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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Essex Red Data List Habitat Codes

In the EBAP (Essex Biodiversity Action Plan) column, '1' refers to the phase 1 habitats with action plans, '2' refers to a new round of habitat action plans proposed or in preparation.

CodeDescriptionAssociated Essex BAPAssociated UKBAP
A-aArable, acid/sandyCereal field margins (1)Cereal field margins
A-cArable, calcareous/chalkyCereal field margins (1)Cereal field margins
A-gArable, generalCereal field margins (1)Cereal field margins
A-oArable, other/clayCereal field margins (1)Cereal field margins
C-drCoastal, driftlineSaltmarsh (2)Coastal saltmarsh
C-drCoastal, driftline Coastal Sand Dunes
C-drCoastal, driftline Coastal Vegetated Shingle
C-duCoastal, dune Coastal sand dune
C-gCoastal, generalCoastal grazing marsh (1)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
C-gmCoastal grazing marshCoastal grazing marsh (1)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
C-mCoastal, mudflats Intertidal mudflats
C-mCoastal, mudflatsSeagrass beds (1)Seagrass beds
C-shCoastal, shingle/shell Coastal vegetated shingle
C-slCoastal, saline lagoonsSaline lagoons (1)Saline lagoons
C-smCoastal, saltmarshSaltmarsh (2)Coastal saltmarsh
C-ucCoastal, undercliff/cliff Maritime cliffs and slopes
C-wCoastal water Offshore sands and gravels
G-aGrassland, acidLowland grassland (2)Lowland dry acid grassland
G-cGrassland, calcareousLowland grassland (2)Lowland calcareous grassland
G-dGrassland, dryLowland grassland (2)Lowland dry acid grassland
G-gGrassland, generalLowland grassland (2)Lowland meadows
G-iGrassland, improved  
G-iGrassland, improvedUrban habitats (1) 
G-nGrassland, neutralLowland grassland (2)Lowland meadows
G-uGrassland, unimprovedLowland grassland (2)Lowland meadows
G-wGrassland, wetCoastal grazing marsh (1)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
G-wGrassland, wetCoastal grazing marsh (1)Purple moor grass and rush pastures
G-wGrassland, wetLowland grassland (2)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
G-wGrassland, wetLowland grassland (2)Purple moor grass and rush pastures
H-dHeathland, dryHeathland (1)Lowland heathland
H-gHeathland, generalHeathland (1)Lowland heathland
H-gHeathland, generalHeathland (1)Lowland dry acid grassland
H-lHeathland, lichen heathHeathland (1)Lowland dry acid grassland
H-lHeathland, lichen heathCoastal grazing marsh (1)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
H-lHeathland, lichen heathBrownfield sites (2)Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land
H-wHeathland, wet ericaeousHeathland (1)Lowland heathland
S-aScrub, acid e.g. gorseHeathland (1)Lowland heathland
S-aScrub, acid e.g. gorseHeathland (1)Lowland dry acid grassland
S-cScrub, calcareous Lowland Calcareous Grassland
S-gScrub, generalAncient and species rich hedgerows and green lanes (1)Ancient and/or species rich hedgerows
S-hScrub, hedgerowAncient and species rich hedgerows and green lanes (1)Ancient and/or species rich hedgerows
S-hScrub, hedgerowVeteran Trees (2)Ancient and/or species rich hedgerows
S-nScrub, neutral  
U-aUrban, amenityUrban habitats (1) 
U-gUrban, generalUrban habitats (1) 
U-mPost-industrial, mineral extraction sites/spoil heapsBrownfield sites (2)Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land
U-piPost-industrial, buildings/industrial infrastructureBrownfield sites (2)Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land
W-adWoodland, ancient deciduousAncient woodlands (1)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-caWoodland, coniferised ancient sitesAncient woodlands (1)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-cpWoodland, conifer plantation  
W-dryWoodland, dryAncient woodlands (1)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-edgeWoodland, edgeAncient woodlands (1)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-edgeWoodland, edgeWoodland Pasture (2)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-gWoodland, generalAncient woodlands (1)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-gWoodland, generalWoodland Pasture (2)Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-oWoodland, old orchardOld orchards (1)Traditional Orchards
W-sdWoodland, secondary deciduous Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
W-wetWoodland, wetAncient woodlands (1)Wet Woodland
W-wpWoodland, wood pastureVeteran Trees (2)Wood pasture and parkland
W-wpWoodland, wood pastureWoodland Pasture (2)Wood pasture and parkland
Wt-f/mWetland, fen/marsh Fens
Wt-gWetland, general  
Wt-ofwWetland, open flowing water Rivers
Wt-oswWetland, open standing water Eutrophic standing waters
Wt-rWetland, reedbedReedbeds (1)Reedbeds
Wt-rfgWetland, riverine floodplain grasslandCoastal grazing marsh (1)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
Wt-rfgWetland, riverine floodplain grasslandLowland grassland (2)Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
Wt-sWetland, Sphagnum bogHeathland (1)Lowland heathland
Wt-sWetland, Sphagnum bogHeathland (1)Lowland Raised Bog